Although public transport exists in New Zealand, its use is low with most residents choosing a car as their preferred mode of transport.
Applying for a driving license in New Zealand
You must obtain a driver’s license to legally drive in New Zealand. Driving in New Zealand on your overseas license within the first 12 months is normal. However, converting your current license to a New Zealand driver’s license is compulsory after 12 months.
You must apply at a specialist overseas driver license conversion site to convert to a New Zealand driver’s license. The steps are to fill out an application form, show evidence of personal identity, provide a medical certificate, and present your original overseas driver’s license. After, the driver licensing agent will help you take your photo, advise you to pay any fees, and notify you whether any other necessary tests.
Remember that you must show your overseas driving license and cannot convert it to a New Zealand license using only an international driving permit.
Click the link below to find a specialist overseas driver license conversion site.
Renting or buying a car
When renting a car, comparing the rental car companies, or booking online directly is recommended. Car rental companies may also offer free telephone consultations if you are calling from overseas. At airports, licensed rental car services are always located on the ground floor where arrivals are.
Click on the link below to view what is best when renting/buying a car and what licensed rental car services there are.
Rental cars | Auckland Airport
Having vehicle insurance is not compulsory in New Zealand. However, having ‘third-party’ insurance is recommended at the bare minimum. This covers you against the damage you cause to another person’s vehicle.
It is essential that you understand the road rules when driving in New Zealand. You must familiarise yourself with the road rules and signs in New Zealand and make sure you obey them. Heavy fines apply if you are driving while using your cell phone or not wearing a seatbelt. New Zealand roads have numerous corners, so always slow down before approaching an intersection. Roadworks across New Zealand are also common, so keep in mind to drive 30km/hr when they occur to avoid accidents.
Keep left
Always remember to drive on the left side of the road.
Speed limit
The speed limit is always 100km/hr on an open road and 50km/hr in urban areas.
Emergency assistance
Roadside and breakdown assistance
0800 500 222
Other tips
If you would like to understand New Zealand’s road rules in-depth, click on the links below:
New Zealand Road Code Rules and Driving in New Zealand
You can also use this link below to check who is eligible driving in New Zealand.
Driving on New Zealand roads eligibility
Public transport
There are advanced and good bus networks in the main cities of New Zealand, including Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. In Auckland and Wellington, there are also commuter rail and ferries.
Public transport disability service
Most public transport services in New Zealand will provide wheelchair access. However, if you are travelling long distances, it is important to check with staff about the accessibility of disability services.
Use these links below to help find your way through the cities with public transport.