Diverging Diamond Interchange – Gold Coast

Diamond Interchange

media release,


Gold Coast’s first Diverging Diamond Interchange on its way

Construction has started this month on Gold Coast’s first Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI). This project is part of the $1 billion M1 Pacific Motorway – Varsity Lakes to Tugun (VL2T) upgrade. 

Locals will see 52 concrete bridge girders installed over the next four weeks at Exit 87 (Burleigh) between the recently built bridge piers.   

The Diverging Diamond Interchange would be the first of its kind on the Gold Coast.

“This is a critical milestone for the 10-kilometre Varsity Lakes to Tugun upgrade which, when complete, will increase capacity, improve safety and reduce congestion for road users,” Minister Fletcher said.

“This project is one of many critical infrastructure projects to receive funding from the Morrison Government as part of its record $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, which is helping to drive Australia’s economic recovery.”

Hon Paul Fletcher MP – Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and Arts

The upgrade will replace the existing roundabout and feature active travel facilities including bike lanes and a separated shared user path with safe pedestrian refuge points.

Gold Coast’s first Diverging Diamond Interchange will also be making use of various smart motorway technologies as part of its delivery. This technology will help improve safety and stop-start travel through proactive management of the road network.

Such technologies have already been installed and tested under the M1 North upgrade program, where they have proven to be successful.  

Ramp signalling, variable speed limit signs and traffic cameras will be installed, which will help keep traffic flowing and reduce travel time.

The Diverging Diamond Interchange configuration, alongside the smart motorways technology, will mean teams can quickly respond to network demands and keep traffic moving.  

This upgrade is part of a $4.8 billion package of works being delivered by the Palaszczuk Government in the Gold Coast and surrounding areas that will support 4,030 jobs.

“It’s been terrific to drive down the M1 and see the great progress being made to accommodate the Gold Coast’s rapidly growing population” Mrs Andrews said.

“I spent years advocating for these vital upgrades to improve freight efficacy and commute times. I thank Gold Coasters for their patience as the roadworks continue.”

Hon Karen Andrews MP – Federal Minister for Home Affairs and Member for McPerson

The M1 upgrade was one of the biggest road upgrades happening in Queensland right now.

“The Palaszczuk Government is committed to building a between M1 between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, to improve safety and bring down travel time,” she said.

“$5.2 billion in upgrades are being delivered across 10 projects under the M1 Upgrade program, from as far north as Springwood to Tugun in the south.

“Just recently we saw construction begin at Yatala’s Exit 41 to improve traffic flow and reducing queuing.

“And the Sports Drive to Gateway Motorway section of the M1 North upgrade is nearing completion, with works already commencing on the upgrade of the Pacific Highway western service road.

“These projects are another example of investments that will build on Queensland’s economic recovery from Covid-19, with 850 jobs supported by the VL2T project alone.”

Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP – State memeber for Gaven

For the safety of workers and road users, detours will be in place at Exit 87 (Burleigh) between 8 pm and 5 am during the works.

The VL2T upgrade is jointly funded with the Australian Government committing $680 million and the Queensland Government $320 million.


Monday 20 September 2021 – Media Release

Read the Media Release here.

Read more construction and infrastructure projects on the Gold Coast.

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