Queensland is opening up to fully vaccinated international arrivals


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Fully vaccinated international arrivals will be able to enter Queensland without quarantine from 1am, Saturday, January 22. The measure was identified in Queensland’s Vaccine Plan to Reunite Families once the state reached 90% of its eligible population fully vaccinated. The Premier said providing a date gives businesses and families certainty.

“We are very close to hitting 90%,” the Premier said. “But the exact time is difficult to predict. “Providing this date gives businesses and families certainty and time to make their plans.”

Vaccinated international travellers will be required to take a rapid antigen test within 24 hours of arrival. Unvaccinated travellers will still be required to complete 14 days quarantine in a government-nominated facility.

More than 88.8% of eligible Queenslanders are fully vaccinated. The state is expected to reach 90% sometime in the coming week

Second-dose rates have slowed in the 18-39 years age group. It is presumed this is because of increasing case numbers in the age group. Many due for their second vaccinations are presumed to be in isolation as either a positive case or a close contact of a positive case in their households.

Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said contracting COVID does not affect the time frame for getting a second dose. “You can get vaccinated as soon as you recover from your COVID symptoms,” the Minister said.

View the Media Release here

Source: © The State of Queensland 2021

Entering Queensland as an ‘overseas traveller’

You are considered an ‘overseas traveller’ who can quarantine at home if you:

  • arrive to Queensland:
    • on a direct flight to the Brisbane International Airport from an international port; or
    • on a transit domestic flight from the airport you arrive in Australia and you do not leave the airport between your international and your domestic flights.  For example, you fly from Los Angeles to Sydney and then transit to Brisbane in a domestic flight and you do not leave the confines of the airport in Sydney until your flight leaves for Brisbane; or
    • at the Brisbane International Airport and transfer directly to an intrastate flight without leaving the confines of the airport and remain in the airport’s dedicated transit area. Also, you only take a single intrastate flight after arriving to the Brisbane airport.  For example, you fly from Los Angeles in a direct flight to Brisbane and transfer directly (without leaving the confines of the airport) to an intrastate flight
  • are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an immediate family member (parent, spouse, de facto partner or dependent child) of – and travelling with – an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • are fully vaccinated
  • have a COVID-19 test taken and a negative result received within the 72 hours prior to departure
  • undertake 14 days home quarantine in a suitable residence:
    • has no shared common access areas. For example, a townhouse with its own front door, an apartment or unit access directly without having to use enclosed shared or common areas would be suitable. An apartment accessed via shared enclosed areas such as foyers, stairwells or lifts would not be suitable
    • is not a hotel room, house boat or caravan, motorhome or caravan park cabin
    • is within 2 hours driving distance of the airport.
  • have ensured that anyone else living in the household where you quarantine will also complete quarantine with you and have received at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.
  • have a smart phone connected to an Australian phone network to take part in the Home Quarantine Check-In Service.

What you need to enter Queensland as an overseas traveller

See the full list of requirements and how to apply to enter Queensland and quarantine as an overseas traveller.

Entering Queensland from a safe travel zone country

If you travelled to Australia on a quarantine free flight from a safe travel zone country you can enter Queensland without having to quarantine if you meet all of the following conditions:

  • you have been tested for COVID-19 in a clinical setting within 72 hours prior to the time you departed a safe travel zone country and your test returned a negative result
  • you are fully vaccinated unless you are under 12 years of age, or are unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccination because of a recognised medical contraindication
  • you have been in the safe travel zone country for at least 14 days prior to departing the safe travel zone country on a quarantine-free flight
  • you have not been to a COVID-19 hotspot or exposure venue in a safe travel zone country in the 14 days prior to departing the safe travel zone country on a quarantine-free flight.

You do not need to complete a Queensland International Arrivals Registration.

What you need to enter Queensland from a safe travel country

  • Make sure you have proof of vaccination .

On arrival to Queensland

Show an emergency officer:

  • proof of being fully vaccinated (or a medical certificate stating that you have a medical contraindication)
  • proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within the 72 hours prior to your departure

Entering Queensland from a country not declared as a Safe Travel Zone country

If you are arriving from overseas and you:

you will need to quarantine on arrival at Queensland in government-arranged accommodation.

What you need to enter Queensland

On arrival to Queensland

  • show an emergency officer your approved travel declaration
  • travel directly from your arrival point to government arranged accommodation, as instructed by the relevant authority

During quarantine

While in government-arranged quarantine you must:

  • not leave government arranged accommodation for 14 days, except:
    • in an emergency situation
    • for safety reasons (to avoid injury or illness, or to escape a risk of harm)
    • for essential medical care at a hospital, if allowed by the authority
    • to depart on another international flight
    • as otherwise required or permitted under a direction given to you by a public health emergency officer
  • not allow anyone else to enter the premises where you are quarantining, unless they are:
    • needed for an emergency situation
    • a resident of the premises or staying in the premises for quarantine reasons
    • required to enter by an emergency officer to conduct a COVID-19 test
    • directed to enter by an emergency officer for an emergency and their contact details are recorded.
  • only open the door to your room for a permitted purpose if everyone inside is wearing a surgical face mask
  • travel in an ambulance if leaving quarantine for medical care and returning to quarantine after care has been received
  • travel in an emergency services vehicle or transport arranged by a government authority if leaving quarantine for any other allowed purpose.
  • If on a balcony, you cannot:
    • physically interact with other guests
    • accept or pass over items between balconies
    • enter another guest’s balcony.

Read more about quarantine in government-arranged accommodation.

To find out more click here

Source: © The State of Queensland 2021 – Last Updated 20.01.2022

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