Burleigh Heads Light Rail Extension

Burleigh Heads Light Rail Extension

Gold Coast Light Rail, queensland,


Burleigh Heads Light Rail Extension Almost Ready To Start On Construction

An agreement has been made to get the early works underway for construction of the Broadbeach to Burleigh Heads light rail extension.

This will mean GoldlinQ and John Holland have been contracted to undertake detailed construction planning, identify and inspect underground services and start establishing a site presence along the 6.7 kilometre corridor.

Fast-tracking delivery of major infrastructure projects was central to the government’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan. This is not the only project that the Government is working to fast-track, they are working hard to bring forward construction on as many projects as possible.

Bringing the early works forward for the Burleigh Heads light rail extension also brings forward the creation of more good quality construction jobs on the Gold Coast. Which is part of Queensland’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan.

This is a $1 billion project that will create local jobs. Anticipating that most of the wages and payments to workers and suppliers going straight back into the local and regional economy.

Building the next stage of Burleigh Heads light rail will present several great opportunities over the next few years for local contractors, workers and suppliers on the Gold Coast. It has already been proven that woks on the previous stages of the Gold Coast light rail project has been successdul in supporting the local economy. Staistics shoe that 90 percent of workers on Stage 1 and Stage 2 originated from the Gold Coast and surrounding regions.

John Holland will be engaging directly with the community and businesses to ensure they are informed before and throughout Stage 3 construction. They will also host a Local Industry Forum in September, presenting to potential local suppliers on upcoming work packages and answering questions.

This project will be built by locals and will contribute significantly to the Gold Coast economy which is vitally important at this time.

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate said seamless public transport was crucial to the Gold Coast’s future.

“The light rail corridor – from Helensvale all the way to Coolangatta – is seen as our public transport spine. From that, we will link rapid public transport connections both east and west,’’ he said.

“Studies are now underway into these east-west connectors which may involve hydro buses, electric buses and even automated transport modes including driverless systems.

“Our long-term planning for reliable public transport must include the state and federal governments so I’m delighted that early work on stage 3 underground works is about to start.’’

The next round of community consultation will run from 12 July to 17 September (starting after the June/July school holidays).

Community consultations include:

  • Community drop-in sessions for members of the community to ask questions and provide face-to-face feedback.
  • An interactive consultation website for people to find out more about the project.
  • Provide feedback via an online survey will be available.
  • Newsletter distributed to 43,000 homes in the project’s catchment area to let people know they can participate in the consultation and provide a detailed explanation of the proposed project.


Monday 5 July 2021 – Media Release

Read the Media Release here.

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BPICs queensland

Queensland announces BPICs pause


The Queensland Government has announced a pause on the use of Best Practice Industry Conditions (BPICs) on new government funded construction.

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