New official drone website lifts off in Australia


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Australian Government launches new website to provide drone rules and regulations whilst drone uptake increases across industries such as construction.

The Australian Government has launched a new website,, to provide clear, accessible information on drone rules and regulations in one location.

The website will also allow users to submit feedback, concerns or complaints about drones that can then be directed to the relevant agency.

The potential for emerging aviation technologies to achieve cost savings and other benefits is creating new opportunities across a wide range of industries, including agriculture, construction and critical emergency services supporting communities in cities, regional areas and remote communities.

Rapid and continuous advancements in aviation technology bring opportunities for growth and development, and the launch of this website is another step towards unlocking the breadth of benefits of increased uptake of drone supports,” says Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King. 

Drone technology already benefits the national economy; growth in the use of drones and eVTOL vehicles in Australia is estimated to support a $14.5 billion increase in GDP over the next 20 years and 10,000 new jobs by 2040.

The website has been developed to serve as a one-stop-shop for industry, recreational drone users and public members.

As the site grows, the industry will benefit from having a single place for information on consultation, stakeholders, and collaboration in the sector,” says the Australian Association for Unscrewed Systems President. 

Drone users can find the information they need to fly by the rules with links to safety requirements and a quick and easy drone noise self-assessment and approval tool.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of ensuring information on these regulatory requirements and process is clear and accessible to all members of the public, particularly those who own and operate drones or are thinking of doing so in the future,” says Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King. 

To visit the website, visit

Source: © Copyright, Commonwealth of Australia

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