Perth Intersection Upgrade

perth intersection upgrade


Upgrades On The Way For Wanneroo Road And Morley Drive Intersection

Works to upgrade the busy Perth intersection of Wanneroo Road and Morley Drive in Tuart Hill to reduce congestion and improve safety are due to start. The project is scheduled to start in September and is expected to be completed by late 2022.

Highways Construction Pty Ltd have been awarded the construction contract to deliver the upgrades, which include adding or extending traffic lanes on all four approaches to the intersection as well as installing new bus lanes.

The project will include:

  • Shared through and left turn lanes on Wanneroo Road northbound and southbound;
  • Shared bus and left turn lanes on Morley Drive northbound and southbound;
  • Extended right turn lanes northbound and southbound on both Morley Drive and Wanneroo Road;
  • A staggered pedestrian crossing, providing safe refuge for riders and walkers across Morley Drive; and
  • Modifications to traffic signals on all approaches to increase efficiency, particularly during peak.

Additional works include:

  • Restricting the right turn access at Manoff Road by closing the median on Morley Drive west leg at Manoff Road. Manoff Road will be a left in left out access road only at Morley Drive
  • Formalising two U-turn facilities on Morley Drive west leg, between Wanneroo Road and Huckle Street
  • Extension of the existing right turn lanes
  • Installation of CCTV
  • Modifications to existing ramps and concrete paths for the extent of the proposed project area to meet current disability access and mobility standards
  • Widening current shared paths to 2 m wide and connecting them with existing network

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP:

“The Morrison Government is getting on with delivering infrastructure projects that improve congestion and safety for commuters across Australia, making it easier for them to move around our capital cities and ensuring they get home quickly and safely.

“Under the Urban Congestion Fund, we are delivering 177 individual packages of works nationwide. The total number of Urban Congestion Fund projects around Australia that are completed or underway is 68, with a further 47 expected to start construction this year.

“This is just the latest example of us delivering on our commitment to progress critical infrastructure projects across the country under our record $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, which is helping to drive Australia’s world-leading economic recovery.”

Quotes attributable to WA Transport Minister, the Hon Rita Saffioti MLA:

“Our Government is continuing to deliver much needed upgrades to key roads across our suburbs to improve commute times and reduce congestion.

“Wanneroo Road is an important connection between our northern suburbs, industrial estates and the CBD and these upgrades will help improve traffic flow and efficiency while supporting more than 140 local jobs.

“We are continuing to deliver much needed upgrades to the northern suburbs, with key projects including the Joondalup Drive Interchange recently completed, and major freeway upgrades and the METRONET Yanchep Rail Extension under construction.”

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Stirling, Vince Connelly MP:

“The Wanneroo Road and Morley Drive intersection is one of the busiest in the region and this project will provide much-needed upgrades to minimise the risk of accidents occurring.

“The intersection also has a high volume of public transport movements throughout the day, with peak period performance being impacted heavily by congestion.

“The project will ease traffic congestion and improve safety and accessibility for road users and pedestrians alike.”

Quotes attributable to State Member for Balcatta, David Michael MLA:

“More than 25,000 commuters use this intersection daily to get to work, home, school and recreation.

“With 192 crashes over the past five years, I am very pleased to see these works will commence in September, helping to improve safety.” 


Thursday 19 August 2021 – Media Release

Read the Media Release here.

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