Alliance partners announced to progress Waitematā Harbour Connections and Auckland Light Rail.


arup, Auckland, auckland light rail, Aurecon, Beca, COX, SYSTRA, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, weitemata harbour, WSP,


Companies in alliance released as the preferred bidders to plan and design the next phase of Waitematā Harbour Connections and Auckland Light Rail, expanding the city’s rapid transport network.

Waka Kotahi and partners Auckland Transport and Auckland Council have named an alliance of four companies, WSP, Beca, SYSTRA and COX Architecture as its preferred bidder for the next phase of the Waitematā Harbour Connections project.

The companies in the alliance named as the preferred bidder for the next phase of Auckland Light Rail are Aurecon and Arup. 

Both Alliances are responsible for the planning and designing of their respective projects, which are at different phases of development.

“Advancing a modern and world-class rapid transit system and transforming the way Aucklanders get around their city, including crossing the Waitematā Harbour, has attracted two outstanding teams with significant national and international experience,” says a joint statement from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Light Rail. 

While Auckland Light Rail (ALR) and the Waitematā Harbour Connections are separate projects, they underpin the expansion of a rapid transit system better connecting road, rail, bus, walking and cycling links. The projects will encourage quality growth, give people more travel choices, make the transport network for Auckland and beyond more resilient, and tackle congestion and harmful pollution.  

“Auckland Light Rail will be 24 kilometres long – half of it underground – connecting people to work and study at city and Auckland Airport job centres. Light rail will be frequent, quicker, safer and more reliable, halving travel times between the central city and most destinations on its route,”  says Auckland Light Rail Project Director Tommy Parker.

“Light Rail will open up access to many new quality homes in growing suburbs by driving housing and business development along the route and becoming a catalyst for neighbourhood regeneration and people-friendly streets.”

“Waitematā Harbour Connections will investigate connections for all modes to shape the city’s future, the region and beyond in partnership with mana whenua. This will also help to address climate change issues by providing more transportation choices and making Auckland’s transport system more resilient and reliable,”  says Waka Kotahi, Transport Services General Manager Brett Gliddon.

Auckland Light Rail and Waka Kotahi say work will start quickly on the following critical planning phases to expand Auckland’s rapid transit system and provide seamless travel options for Aucklanders. 

“The ALR alliance will work on a final route for light rail and proposed locations of up to 18 stations. It will also develop the light rail’s final Corridor Business Case, building on the Indicative Business Case developed by the Auckland Light Rail Establishment Unit. It will also look at how the system will be built and prepare the consents needed for construction,”  says Auckland Light Rail Project Director Tommy Parker.

“By mid-next year, the Waitematā Harbour Connections team plans to deliver a recommendation for a package of transport improvements as part of a Waitematā Harbour Connections Indicative Business Case. This will encompass all modes, including light rail, buses, connections for walking and cycling, vehicles and freight, and determining the future use of the Auckland Harbour Bridge. These long-term solutions will require significant investment and involve complex, large-scale construction, anticipated to take more than 15 years of design and construction work”,  says Waka Kotahi, Transport Services General Manager Brett Gliddon.

Both projects will engage with communities this year to help shape final decisions.

Both alliances were named preferred bidders after a competitive and independent tender process involving New Zealand and international companies. 

“The two alliances will work closely to ensure an integrated and coordinated response to Auckland’s transport challenges. Working together is essential to create a first-class, efficient and fully integrated transport network serving Aucklanders of today and future generations tomorrow,”  say Tommy Parker and Brett Gliddon.

Two additional and separate contracts have also been awarded by Auckland Light Rail.

Atkins NZ (SNC-Lavalin) will work with Aurecon and Arup to develop how the light rail is operated and maintained when open.

The two law firms, Buddle Findlay and Simpson Grierson, will progress the legal work for Auckland Light Rail.

Source: © 2022 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

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