Georgiou, Golder Associates, infrastructure, Leach Welshpool Alliance, media release, WA,
Local contractor to deliver a $93 million Leach Highway and Welshpool Road upgrade
An alliance of local WA companies has been named as the preferred proponent to deliver much needed upgrades to the Leach Highway and Welshpool Road intersection.
The interchange upgrade will improve the most dangerous and second most congested intersection in WA, with 224 crashes recorded between 2015 and 2019, of which 204 were rear-end collisions.
The $93 million upgrade will create 600 local jobs.
The final contract is expected to be awarded in December and has been fast tracked six months ahead of schedule – early works are expected to commence before the end of this year.
The Leach Welshpool Alliance consists of local companies BG&E Pty Ltd, Georgiou Group Pty Ltd, and Golder Associates Pty Ltd and is expected to create and support 600 local jobs.
Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said the Morrison Government had prioritised infrastructure investment and construction across Western Australia to support local jobs through COVID.
“We’re creating hundreds of jobs with this upgrade alone at a time when hard-working West Australians need it most,” Mr Tudge said.
“At the same time this is a targeted infrastructure investment that will bust congestion and improve safety at what is a notorious intersection.
“Building a grade separated interchange will significantly reduce congestion and improve vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian safety at this critical junction in Perth’s major transport network.”
WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said this was just one of the major infrastructure projects the McGowan Government had fast tracked as part of the road out of COVID-19.
“It’s fantastic to see an alliance of local companies named as the preferred proponent to deliver this job-creating, congestion busting project,” she said.
“Construction on this interchange will create and support 600 local jobs while also significantly improving safety and efficiency for commuters.
“At least 50,000 vehicles pass through this intersection every weekday, with the area servicing key commercial activities in the Welshpool commercial area, Perth Airport, Kewdale Freight Terminal and surrounding residential areas.
“Combined with our level crossing removals along the Armadale Line this will completely transform this transport corridor.”
Federal Member for Swan Steve Irons said the congestion-busting project would provide better connections to a major industrial area while improving safety and reducing delays.
“There were 224 crashes reported between 2014 and 2019, these upgrades will create a safer intersection whilst supporting local jobs,” Mr Irons said.
“This is one of 24 Western Australian Transport projects being fast-tracked to support local jobs during COVID-19.”
The project will deliver:
- a new bridge taking Leach Highway over Welshpool Road to create a grade-separated interchange;
- duplicate the existing Leach Highway bridge over the railway; and
- a shared path along Leach Highway from Sevenoaks Street to Orrong Road.
The interchange will improve safety and efficiency, and reduce travel times by alleviating pressure on the local road network.
This project has been jointly-funded by the Australian ($46.5 million) and State ($46.5 million) Governments.
20 August 2020 – Media Release
View the Media release here
Source: Government of Western Australia
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