$2.6b Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project reaches next phase of procurement


Logan Gold Coast Faster Rail, qld, TMR,


The $2.6b Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project reaches a milestone, as three major packages of work move to the next procurement phase.

  • The next phase of procurement for the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project, including the Loganlea Station Relocation project, is ready to commence following strong interest from industry.
  • The Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project will double the number of tracks between Kuraby and Beenleigh and connect growing communities with more frequent and reliable train services.
  • Requests for Proposals will be released to accepted industry registrants this month and is a key step towards delivery of this major rail project.

The Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project is taking exciting steps forward with three major packages of work moving to the next phase of procurement.

Through the Registration of Interest process, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) received strong interest from the industry and has multiple parties registered for each package.

TMR will soon release Requests for Proposals to accepted registrants for the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail Project Level Crossing Removal Package and Rail Package.

The Level Crossing Removal package will remove existing level crossings at Beenleigh Road at Kuraby station and Station Road at Bethania station and improve safety for these local communities. These works will be delivered through a collaborative design and construct contract.

The Rail package will deliver the major rail works between Kuraby and Beenleigh including duplicating the tracks from two to four, station upgrades, the remaining level crossing removals, local road works and active transport connections. The design and construction of this complex brownfield project will be delivered through an alliance contract.

“Kickstarting the procurement process is an exciting milestone for industry and for customers and communities who will benefit from this major investment in rail,” says Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey.

“The Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail and Loganlea Station Relocation projects remain a high priority for the Queensland Government to improve rail services between some of South East Queensland’s fastest growing cities and deliver integrated transport outcomes for local communities,” says Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey.

“Currently, all services on the Gold Coast and Beenleigh lines are constrained by single tracks in each direction between Kuraby and Beenleigh,” says Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey.

“Once finalised, these projects will connect growing communities with more frequent and reliable train services between Brisbane, Logan and the Gold Coast,” says Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey.

“The projects will improve accessibility at stations, provide safer connections across the rail corridor for the community, and provide an improved active transport corridor and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists,” says Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey.

TMR is also inviting Expressions of Interest from registrants for the Loganlea Station Relocation Project. This project will relocate and upgrade Loganlea train station and park ‘n’ ride to better connect customers with nearby health, education and community services – particularly Logan Hospital. 

The Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail and Loganlea Station Relocation projects are jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland and governments. The procurement and delivery timeframes for the project remain subject to further approvals by the Australian and Queensland governments.

Click here to read more about the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project.

Source: © The State of Queensland 1997–2023

Image Source: © The State of Queensland 2010–2023

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