What is Engineers Australia?

Engineers Australia

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About Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia (EA) is a professional organization that represents engineers and promotes the engineering profession in Australia.

Also known as the Institution of Engineers Australia, it is an active member of international engineering organisations including the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and Pacific.

The organization plays a vital role in advancing the engineering field, setting standards, and fostering professional development.

Engineers Australia provides:

  • Program accreditation
  • Migration Skills Assessment
  • Professional development
  • Chartered Status for Engineers

The History of Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia was founded in 1919. Professor William Warren from the University of Sydney became the first President of Engineers Australia after being elected during the first Council meeting. In 1938 Engineers Australia was granted a Royal Charter by King George the Sixth.

The organization has around 115,000 members in nine geographic Divisions and five international chapters from all engineering disciplines. 20,000 members are Chartered Engineers.

Membership Grades

Engineers Australia has a diverse membership base that includes engineers from various disciplines, including civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, software, and many others. Membership is open to both individuals and organizations. There are various membership levels, each with its own benefits and requirements. These levels often include Student, Graduate, Member, Fellow, and Chartered statuses.


Undergraduate students studying an accredited or recognised Australian course in engineering can apply for free student membership.


If you hold an accredited Australian qualification in engineering, you may be eligible to join as a Graduate Member in your occupational category. Please check that your qualification is accredited by Engineers Australia by viewing the list of accredited programs.


The grade of Member is open to those who hold an Engineers Australia accredited or recognised Australian tertiary qualification in engineering, and have gained at least 3 years of postgraduate experience in the engineering industry.


As a Fellow of Engineers Australia you will be recognised as being amongst the true leaders of the industry and profession.

Fellow membership grades include Fellow (FIEAust), Technologist Fellow (TFIEAust), and Associate Fellow (AFIEAust).

Affiliate and Companion

Affiliate membership of Engineers Australia is open to those who are not eligible for Student, Graduate, Member or Fellow grades.

You may have completed a qualification; have an active interest in the engineering profession; are a member of a technical society; or have attained a level of industry experience.

Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)

Engineers Australia has established mutual recognition agreements with Institutions around the world through which a member of such a body, on application, will be accorded an equivalent level of membership in Engineers Australia and vice versa. In some cases, the agreements cover more than one grade of membership and occupational category.

Chartered Engineer

The award of Chartered Engineer Status is exclusive to Engineers Australia. Chartered Status is open to those in the Member, Fellow, and Honorary Fellow grades of each occupational category.

Grade of Honorary Fellow

A person who has rendered conspicuous service to the profession of engineering or is eminent in engineering or an allied science, or is a distinguished person whom the Council desires to honour, either for having rendered conspicuous service to the Australian people or in recognition of outstanding achievement.

Engineers Australia and skilled migration

Engineers Australia is authorised by Australia’s Department of Home Affairs to assess your qualifications, skills, and experience to work in Australia as an Engineer. It works closely with migration agents, and international organizations to develop streamlined migration skills assessment procedures for engineers.

If you would like to apply for a visa to work in Australia as an Engineer, you will need to have your engineering qualifications assessed by Engineers Australia.

Your qualification will be the most important factor in determining a successful outcome of your assessment. It’s determined by:

  • The country where you received your qualification
  • The type of qualification
  • Whether it’s accredited.

Accredited qualifications refer to engineering qualifications that are recognized through accords: the Washington Accord, the Sydney Accord, and the Dublin Accord. You can check if your qualifications are accredited on the International Engineering Alliance website.

Applicants who are from countries that are not signatories of any reciprocal agreement with Engineers Australia must go through a detailed assessment of their qualifications and prepare a “Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)”.

The CDR is used to evaluate whether the applicant’s engineering qualifications and competencies meet the standards set by the organization and whether they are suitable for skilled migration to work as an engineer in Australia.

The CDR essentially showcases an engineer’s skills, knowledge, and experience in their respective engineering discipline. It consists of various sections that provide evidence of the applicant’s competency.

It’s important to note that creating a successful CDR involves careful attention to detail, accurate and clear descriptions of projects, and a direct alignment between the applicant’s experiences and the competency elements outlined by Engineers Australia. Plagiarism should be avoided, as the organization places a strong emphasis on originality and honesty in the CDR submission.

Source: Engineers Australia – www.engineersaustralia.org.au

Source: Wikipedia

Source: International Engineering Alliance

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