More Milestones For Victoria’s Big Build This Autumn



Victoria’s transformation of road and rail infrastructure forges ahead this autumn with two level crossings to be removed, two new stations to be constructed and a landmark bridge over the Murray River connecting Echuca and Moama set to open to traffic.

Major works will take place over the next three months across the transport network including metropolitan and regional rail lines, tram routes and major freeways including the Monash Freeway, West Gate Freeway and the M80 Ring Road.          

The 60th level crossing will be removed during autumn with the Glenroy level crossing gone for good in May while the crossing at Hallam is set to go by April. Construction will continue at 16 level crossing sites across Melbourne.

Buses will replace trains on sections of the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines in March to allow crews to construct the elevated rail bridge and a new station at Hallam, with buses also in operation on the Craigieburn and Seymour lines from late April for 10 days as the rail line is safely dropped under the road, and the new station is completed at Glenroy. Motorists are also asked to plan ahead for local road closures during this time.

Asphalting works on the Monash Freeway have passed the halfway mark, with almost 40,000 tonnes laid since December. As work to complete 36 kilometres of new lanes continues, there will be daytime lane closures and overnight freeway closures in place along sections of the freeway between Warrigal Road and Cardinia Road.  

“We’re getting on with the projects we promised – it will be another massive year with 11 level crossings going for good as we race towards removing 85 level crossings by 2025,” said Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan.

In Cranbourne, a two-week construction program will commence from mid-March as roundabouts are replaced with traffic lights to better manage traffic flow between Ballarto Road and Cranbourne-Frankston Road on Western Port Highway.

In Melbourne’s north, crews will complete 11 months of work in just over eight weeks to remove the Mickleham Road roundabout and one of Craigieburn Road’s worst bottlenecks.

The nearby M80 Ring Road will close Greensborough-bound between Sydney Road and Edgars Road from next weekend for asphalting as part of upgrade works to add new lanes. The new Greensborough-bound ramp from the Hume Freeway to Edgars Road will open within weeks. It is the last of six new ramps between the Hume Freeway and Edgars Road, which will improve safety and travel times.

In Melbourne’s west, 70 per cent of the West Gate Freeway widening is now complete. As works continue, Williamstown Road under the West Gate Freeway will close in both directions most nights throughout March and early April. On the freeway, the speed limit will be reduced to 60km/h for 900 metres on the approach to the Williamstown Road inbound exit ramps until the end of 2023. This will ensure works can continue safely as progress steps up around the inbound tunnel entry.  

On the tram network, maintenance will take place across four routes including replacing nearly 1,400 metres of track along Malvern Road affecting Route 72 trams for two weeks from 30 April. Malvern Road will close in sections during this time for bridge strengthening works at Malvern and Orrong Roads.

In regional Victoria, the Warrnambool Line Upgrade will pave the way for a fifth weekday return service for passengers. Coaches will replace all Warrnambool Line trains between Geelong and Warrnambool from 30 April to 28 May for work to continue on the upgrade. 

The Echuca-Moama bridge will open to traffic mid-2022, providing a new road connection over the Campaspe and Murray rivers. The new crossing will reduce traffic on the existing Murray River bridge by about 40 per cent, making it safer and easier for locals and visitors to travel between the two border towns.

Extra public transport services will be added to the timetable for major events during autumn including the start of the AFL season, the Grand Prix, Moomba and the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show.

Passengers are asked to plan their journey and wear a mask while on public transport. For more information about planned disruptions over autumn visit

Source: © Copyright State Government of Victoria

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