Cleveland Redland Bay Road Priority Upgrades


media release, queensland, Queensland Government, Redland Bay Road,


$110m Locked In For Cleveland Redland Bay Road

The Palaszczuk Government has announced another $40 million for priority upgrades to Cleveland Redland Bay Road, bringing the government’s total investment on the key Redlands connector to $110 million as part of Queensland’s plan for economic recovery.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey joined Member for Redlands Kim Richards to make the announcement while inspecting roadworks currently underway at the Anita Street intersection, part of the government’s existing $70 million commitment.

“There’s been no bigger advocate for Redlands and better roads in the community than Kim Richards,” Mr Bailey said.

“This additional $40 million will allow us to continue the duplication into Thornlands.

“We’ve already got shovels in the ground on Cleveland Redland Bay Road upgrades and this extra $40 million means will be able to extend that four-laning even further, alongside $9.1 million locked in for the Serpintine Creek Road intersection and another $500,000 to plan for the Boundary Road intersection.

“Queenslanders have stepped up when it comes to managing the health impacts of COVID-19. That has meant the Palaszczuk Government has been able to continue with Queensland’s plan for economic recovery – including getting on with investing in better roads across Redlands as part of a $23 billion pipeline of road and transport projects.”

The $70 million previously committed will see 99 jobs supported, the Anita Street intersection upgraded, with works to roll on, delivering further duplication north of Anita Street when completed.

Ms Richards said the booming population in Redlands was expected to reach almost 200,000 by 2041, meaning funding on the road was vitally important.

“Our businesses and industry generate $5.9 billion for Queensland’s economy every year, and it’s vital it doesn’t stall because roads aren’t keeping up with growth,” Ms Richards said.

“We’re seeing thousands of families move bayside and even more tourists flock to our local towns and islands, putting pressure on our roads, which is why we’re upgrading them.

“From day one, locals told me they want better local roads, transport and jobs. We’re delivering that with new ferry terminals for our Southern Moreton Bay Islands, island road green sealing, more than $20 million in upgrades for Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road and now a $110 million commitment to Redlands’ main stretch.”

Mr Bailey said the $110 million would join major upgrades across the south east including $2.3 billion in M1 upgrades, close to $3 billion for projects on the Bruce Highway between Moreton Bay and Gympie plus the $775 million commitment made last week to build a second M1.

“Seeing shovels in the ground shows Labor’s strong record of delivering for Redlands, unlike the LNP whose only record on roads was to cut funding, sack a quarter of TMR staff and waste more than $100 million trying to sell off public assets.

“It’s only the Palaszczuk Government who has a plan for Redlands roads. How can you trust the LNP, Andrew Laming and Deb Frecklington to put Redlands and Queensland first when they’ve called for the borders to open 64 times during COVID-19.

“The LNP want us all to forget they ignored Cleveland Redland Bay Road, broke promises and gutted roads funding when they were last in office under Campbell Newman and they will do it again. It is in their DNA.”


25th September 2020 – Media Release

Source: Queensland Government

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Queensland announces BPICs pause


The Queensland Government has announced a pause on the use of Best Practice Industry Conditions (BPICs) on new government funded construction.

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