M12 motorway set for take-off with contractors announced


CPB, Georgiou, M12, Seymour Whyte, Western Sydney Airport,


Construction of the new M12 motorway linking to the Western Sydney International Airport will begin within months, with the successful contractors to deliver the first two sections of the $2 billion project announced today.

Seymour Whyte will build the central section of the M12 between Cecil Park and Badgerys Creek, while CPB Georgiou Group Joint Venture will deliver the western section to The Northern Road, which includes the airport interchange and Elizabeth Drive flyover.

NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet, said the toll-free 16-kilometre motorway would be a vital infrastructure link, playing a critical role in ensuring modern, safe and efficient access to the new airport.

“Western Sydney will be home to not just a new world-class airport, but a fantastic new motorway catering to locals and visitors from all around the world, ensuring easy and quick access,” the Premier said.

“In addition, the M12 will also complement upgrades to local roads and a new Sydney Metro, Western Sydney Airport Link, providing improved access to cater for future growth in Western Sydney.”

The motorway will form a link from Elizabeth Drive at Cecil Hills to The Northern Road at Luddenham with direct access to the new Western Sydney International Nancy-Bird Walton Airport. 

NSW Minister for Metropolitan Roads, Natalie Ward, said major construction is scheduled to begin in the middle of this year and be complete before the new airport opens in 2026.

“We’re now just months away from this vision beginning to turn into reality. This new motorway will be used by up to 52,000 vehicles a day, with people saving up to 16 minutes of travel time between the M7 and Western Sydney International Airport by 2036,” Minister Ward said.

“It will also be a major jobs boost, generating up to 2,400 jobs during construction, and will be an important economic driver.”

NSW Minister for Western Sydney, Stuart Ayres, said the NSW Government is working with the Commonwealth Government to ensure the region has the infrastructure it needs as it grows.

“The M12 is an important part of the $4.4 billion Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan which has already resulted in the upgrade of The Northern Road, Bringelly Road and Werrington Arterial, along with our commitment to build a Metro line which will link to the new airport,” Minister Ayres said.

State Liberal Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies, said the M12 will feature shared cycleway and pedestrian paths with signs displaying the local Aboriginal heritage.

“Around 73,000 native trees will also be planted along the Motorway to integrate the road into its surrounds and celebrate the local environment,” Mrs Davies said.

State Liberal Member for Camden, Peter Sidgreaves, said early works to relocate and install new utilities and build a temporary roundabout began late last year.

“We have been preparing for the start of major construction and the announcement of the awarding of these two contracts is an exciting step forward,” Mr Sidgreaves said.

CIMIC Group Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Juan Santamaria said:

“This is an exciting time for Western Sydney and CPB Contractors is applying its expertise on projects across the region. We are very pleased to have another opportunity to deliver an important part of the infrastructure required to support the new airport.”

CPB Contractors Managing Director Jason Spears said:

“CPB Contractors will ensure that this project creates opportunities for local suppliers and sub-contractors. Our teams are experienced in safely delivering major road projects in Sydney and will deliver this road according to schedule, ensuring it is available before the Western Sydney International Airport opens.”

The contract will generate revenue of approximately $245 million for CPB Contractors. 

The third element – the eastern section – will provide a connection to Elizabeth Drive and the M7 Motorway. Procurement of this section will occur this year. 

Source: CPB

Source: NSW Government – view the full media release here

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