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Employers often use probationary periods when hiring new employees within the civil engineering and surveying sectors.
It is very uncommon for probationary periods not to be implemented for a new starter. We look at some information that Civil Engineers and Surveyors should know about probation periods when starting a new role.
The term “probationary period” can have negative connotations for new employees and is often misinterpreted to mean that you are on disciplinary action plans at the start of employment. However, this is not the case. You should work hard and prove your worth, but the probation period is nothing to worry about. It simply ensures that you are the right fit for the position, company and team.
What is a probation period?
It is the period at the start of a permanent full-time or part-time employment contract. You may be starting with a new employee at a new company or beginning a promoted or different role within the same company. This period provides both yourself and your new employer the opportunity to ensure that you fit the role and company culture.
How long is the usual period?
Your probationary period typically ranges from 3 months to 6 months.
What are your entitlements?
Your entitlements while in the probationary period of your contract are no different from that outside of this period. You still obtain the same rights and benefits unless agreed otherwise.
When and Why your employer might extent your probationary period?
Your probation period might be extended if your new employer is unsure of your suitability in the role; however, they are not ready to terminate your employment.
If this occurs, review your employment agreement as the period of extension is limited to whatever set amount of time is stated in the contract.
Termination or Resignation.
You might decide that this job is not what you thought; it doesn‘t suit your lifestyle, and you are unhappy. Whatever your feelings, you can choose to resign and pursue a more suitable opportunity.
If this is the case, you are still required to give notice as per your employee agreement. The length of notice will depend on your contact; however, your payout will still include any outstanding wages owing and any unused annual leave.
On the other hand, your employer could choose to terminate your employment during your probation period. As per the above, they will still be required to pay you wages owing and any unused annual leave.
If in doubt, always refer to your employment agreement.
Completion of your probation period.
Towards the end of your probationary period, a meeting with a superior may be conducted to confirm completion or discuss a possible extension of probation. This meeting is usually just a review of your performance, areas of concern or improvements.
Typically, you will pass your probation period without any issues.
For more information on probation periods visit the Fair Work Ombudsman here.
© Fair Work Ombudsman
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