Significant road safety upgrades will be fast-tracked to help reduce road trauma and save lives on Victorian roads, thanks to a $157.57 million funding boost from the Australian and Victorian governments.
The funding will support a further 54 road safety projects across the state, including 30 projects in metropolitan Melbourne to make intersections safer and a further 24 projects in regional Victoria.
The package includes $89.78 million for regional projects, including:
- $18.89 million to install continuous safety barriers and road widening along the Midland Highway between Cosgrove South and Benalla; and
- $5.85 million to install targeted safety barriers and sealing shoulder at key locations along Maffra Road between Heyfield and Maffra.
The upgrades are jointly funded under the Road Safety Program, with the Australian Government contributing $112.46 million and the Victorian Government providing $45.11 million.
These projects will create 238 jobs and new opportunities for businesses and suppliers, delivering an important economic boost and helping drive Victoria’s economic recovery.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the road upgrades would help keep motorists safe and the economy strong.
Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Ben Carroll said it includes the installation of flexible safety barriers on Stud Road – between Heatherton Road and Dunbarton Drive – and the installation of electronic speed signs.
“Victoria has always been at the forefront of road safety with a track record in leading the introduction of lifesaving road safety initiatives,” Mr Carroll said.
Federal Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the new projects are expected to be delivered later this year.
“Delivering these upgrades as soon as possible is crucial to protecting motorists while also boosting our economy on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Funding under the Road Safety Program is delivering 185 projects across the state and supporting 728 jobs.
The Australian Government has committed $510 million overall under the Road Safety Program to make Victoria’s roads safer.
For more information on the Australian Government’s $3 billion Road Safety Program and other road safety initiatives, visit www.officeofroadsafety.gov.au/programs/infrastructure-programs
View the full Media Release here