Lindum Level Crossing Precinct Upgrade

Lindum Level Crossing Precinct upgrade

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Lindum Level Crossing Precinct Upgrade in Queensland Motoring Ahead

Preliminary planning for the Lindum Level Crossing Precinct upgrade has been completed, with work now underway on vital short-term safety upgrades as well as the development of a preliminary business case to investigate a long-term grade separation of the level crossing.

The project was being funded under the Australian Government’s $4.8 billion Urban Congestion Fund, to reduce congestion in urban areas.

This is one of many infrastructure projects working towards making it easier for people to move around our capital cities and ensuring they get home quickly and safely.

Under the Urban Congestion Fund, the government delivering 177 individual packages of works nationwide. There are 65 Urban Congestion Fund projects around Australia that are completed or under construction, and a further 52 are expected to start construction by the end of the year. 

Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads, the Hon Mark Bailey MP, said this next stage in planning follows community feedback received through the first stage of the Lindum Station Precinct Study.

“Lindum Station and its surrounds are a crucial part of the local community and this was reflected in the nearly 7,000 website views, almost 300 completed surveys and 180 ideas shared on the online digital interactive wall,” Minister Bailey said.

“The Queensland Government has committed $40 million to the Lindum Train Station upgrade, which will enhance safety and accessibility for commuters.

“Our upgrade plan, which is currently being developed, includes an improved pedestrian overpass with lift access linking platforms, as well as upgrades to the park ‘n’ ride facility.

“This will improve safety for pedestrians, bike riders and commuters, and will bolster overall connectivity within the precinct.”

Hon Mark Bailey MP

Council had already commenced work on immediate upgrades for the level crossing intersection on Kianawah Road, including signalisation and intersection reconfiguration.


Friday 23rd July 2021 – Media Release

Read the Media Release here.

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