New Zealand: Hiring skilled migrants on the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)


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The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is a new temporary work visa being introduced in New Zealand on 4 July 2022.

There will be three steps to hiring a migrant on the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) including accreditation, the job check, and the AEWV application. You can apply for accreditation from 23 May 2022 and for a job check from 20 June 2022.

Getting accredited

If you are an employer and want to hire migrants on the AEWV you first need to get accreditation. You will need to apply even if you have been accredited under the previous system. All employers will need to meet a minimum set of accreditation requirements, including:

  • showing you are a genuine, operating business
  • showing you are compliant with employment, immigration and business regulatory standards
  • completing activities to support the settlement of migrant employees.

For standard business models, there are two different levels of accreditation, depending on how many migrants you want to employ.

1. Standard — if you want to employ up to 5 migrant workers on AEWVs at any one time.

2. High-volume — if you want to employ 6 or more migrant workers on AEWVs at any one time.

You need to pay a fee for the application. Once you are accredited, you need to apply for a job check for each job you want to hire a migrant worker for. Multiple positions for the same job can be included in one job check if the job details are the same and are all covered by the same advertising (where required) and proposed employment agreement. You can only hire a migrant worker on an AEWV for a job if it passed the job check.

You will pay a fee based on the level of accreditation you get and how many migrants you hire.

  • Standard accreditation, up to 5 migrants at any one time is NZD $740.
  • High-volume, 6 or more migrants at any one time is NZD $1220.

Passing the job check

Once you are accredited, you need to apply for a job check for each job you want to hire a migrant worker for. Multiple positions for the same job can be included in one job check if the job details are the same and are all covered by the same advertising (where required) and proposed employment agreement.

You can only hire a migrant worker on an AEWV for a job if it passed the job check. Employers pay for a job check.

The job check confirms:

  • the job pays the market rate and meets wage thresholds applicable under the relevant job check pathway
  • the job’s terms and conditions comply with New Zealand employment laws and standards
  • you have advertised the job to New Zealanders if you need to
  • the job is for a minimum of 30 hours a week
  • you have advertised the job to New Zealanders, if you need to, including the minimum and maximum expected pay rate and the skills or experience required.

If you offer the job to a migrant but do not hire them, you can offer the job to another suitable applicant. You do not have to redo the job check.

Information for Job Seekers

You cannot apply for a visa until your employer is accredited and has an approved job check. Once they have done these things, they can send you an invitation to apply for the job.

When you apply for an AEWV you will need to show health, character, and skills and experience. If you have shown skills and experience previously, or through holding occupational registration, you do not need to provide evidence again.

Your employer must have a genuine job for you.

They must provide a detailed employment agreement which you sign before you leave for New Zealand.

This agreement must comply with New Zealand labour laws and clearly show you the location, pay and working conditions for the job.

Your employer must pay all costs and fees inside and outside New Zealand for your recruitment. You may have to pay for the visa application and airfares. You must pay for immigration advice you received through an agent, if any.

For detailed information regarding the process of applying for the Accredited Employer Work Visa click here


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