Sydney Metro West Tunnelling Tender

Tenders launched for Sydney Metro West tunnelling

NSW, sydney, Sydney Metro West, tenders,


Metro West tunnelling tenders key to kick-starting Sydney’s economic recovery

The Sydney Business Chamber says today’s announcement of the start of the tendering process to build 50 kilometres of twin tunnels joining the Sydney CBD to Parramatta, couldn’t have come soon enough as the economy needs projects fast-tracked to begin the city’s recovery phase.

“The Metro West project announcement is a valuable confidence booster and cause for optimism amongst many sectors, including construction, at a time when the people of Sydney need positive leadership from all tiers of Government,’” said Katherine O’Regan, Executive Director of the Sydney Business Chamber.

“Coming on the back of Premier Berejiklian’s announcement this morning that she’s keen to restart the economy as soon as health authorities concur it’s safe to do so, with a staggered approach to getting businesses like restaurants and gyms reopening under strict conditions is to be applauded.”

“The Metro West rail project will inject optimism and provide jobs for thousands of tradespeople and associated industries, with a station at Pyrmont vital for the redevelopment of the Western Harbour precinct.”

“The recent release of the Pyrmont Place Plan by Minister Stokes’ office includes the importance of enhancing mobility and a Metro West rail station in Pyrmont fits perfectly into the plan for this exciting precinct’s development. It will provide a great opportunity for value sharing between government infrastructure and developers along the rail’s route.”

“Minister Stokes’ office has been making encouraging announcements around speeding up the approvals process to get projects shovel-ready for when the recovery and rebuild phase is green lit. His department’s forward thinking in increasing building heights around existing transport infrastructure and relaxing red tape restrictions to aid the hospitality and construction sectors is to be applauded.

“It demonstrates the high degree of urgency needed to get the state moving again as quickly as possible to help jobs growth and assist businesses of all sizes to recover.”

“Transport for NSW has completed the CBD rail from Circular Quay to Kensington, now it’s time to get the Metro West tunnelling underway to demonstrate there’s light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel.”

Public Release. View in full here.

08 Apr 2020 – Media Release

Parramatta Light Rail

Project Spotlight: Parramatta Light Rail


The Parramatta Light Rail transportation project in Sydney consists of 30 stops and 22km of track, aimed to improve connectivity and growth.

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