AECOM joint venture to provide detailed design for Western Harbour Tunnel

acciona, AECOM, Aurecon, new south wales, NSW, sydney, Western Harbour Tunnel,


Sydney’s Western Harbour Tunnel detailed design provided by AECOM joint venture with Aurecon will reduce marine environmental impacts.

AECOM, the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, announced that its joint venture with Aurecon has been awarded a contract by Acciona Construction Australia for the detailed design of the Western Harbour Tunnel, which will create a bypass of the Sydney central business district.

The joint venture’s detailed design is expected to reduce negative impacts on the marine environment while minimizing disruption to recreational and commercial harbour users.  

The joint venture’s Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) methodology is expected to minimise environmental and community impacts.

“We are proud to help create a better-connected road network for Sydney commuters with a design aligned to our commitment to delivering Sustainable Legacies,” says AECOM President Lara Poloni.

“Through our Think and Act Globally strategywe will bring our technical expertise and vast tunneling experience from around the world to deliver the best solution for the environment, community and the treasured Sydney Harbour,” Aurecon’s Managing Director – Transportation, Australia Scott Smith said the joint venture would take a significant sustainability focus through the design development with the project providing for population growth while addressing community feedback.

Following the acceptance of an alternative client reference design, the AECOM joint venture will deliver a detailed design of the Western Harbour Tunnel that avoids dredging by utilizing tunnel boring machines instead of an immersed tube tunnel.

“The improved design and construction method is an excellent example of industry collaboration and is expected to deliver significant reductions to the amount of steel and concrete required, as well as other environmental benefits, compared to the original reference design,” said Richard Barrett, chief executive of AECOM’s Australia and New Zealand region. “Importantly, the new Western Harbour Tunnel will help the region better meet the demands of its growing population by reducing congestion while also reducing the impact on the harbour,” says AECOM President Lara Poloni.

Aurecon’s Managing Director – Transportation, Australia Scott Smith said the joint venture would take a significant sustainability focus through the design development with the project providing for population growth while addressing community feedback.

“The more sustainable alternative design is a better option for the project both environmentally and commercially. The bored tunnel does not require dredging of Sydney Harbour like an immersed tube tunnel,” says Aurecon Managing Director for Transportation Australia Scott Smith.

The TBM methodology means we can tunnel underneath the Sydney Harbour seabed and removes the need for dredging, bringing about significant environmental benefits.

Mr Smith said the Western Harbour Tunnel would be an iconic piece of infrastructure in a new chapter for Sydney’s transport network, and the Aurecon team is delighted be part of it, having been involved in the first chapter – the original Sydney Harbour Tunnel, which Aurecon designed and which opened 30 years ago in 1992.

“Our tunnelling team, those who worked on the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and those who will be part of Sydney’s future transport history, want to take the brilliance of the previous generation to shape the next generation of passenger outcomes,” says Aurecon Managing Director for Transportation Australia Scott Smith.

“We will design a solution that will allow commuters to travel to exactly where they want to be – quicker, easier and smarter – adding another layer to Sydney’s transport network to allow people to connect better from Western Sydney to the city’s South and North,” says Aurecon Managing Director for Transportation Australia Scott Smith.

The Western Harbour Tunnel will link WestConnex at Rozelle with the Warringah Freeway at North Sydney via a 6.5 kilometre tunnel under Sydney Harbour, with three lanes in each direction. The tunnel will be bored under the seabed, unlike the Sydney Harbour Tunnel where the structure sits on top of the seabed. The project will not only revolutionise how we get around Sydney but also take the pressure off other major roads, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Harbour Tunnel, Anzac Bridge and Western Distributor.

Commuters will save up to 20 minutes in a journey from Sydney Olympic Park to North Sydney and up to 15 minutes from North Sydney to Sydney Airport. It’s estimated the new tunnel will reduce traffic on the Western Distributor by 35 per cent, the Harbour Tunnel by 20 per cent and Harbour Bridge by 17 per cent.

“The improved design and construction method is an excellent example of industry collaboration and is expected to deliver significant reductions to the amount of steel and concrete required, as well as other environmental benefits, compared to the original reference design,” said Richard Barrett, chief executive of AECOM’s Australia and New Zealand region.

The new Western Harbour Tunnel will help the region better meet the demands of its growing population by reducing congestion while reducing the impact on the harbour compared with the original reference design.”

The new 6.5-kilometer Western Harbour Tunnel is expected to cut traffic by 35 percent in the Western Distributor, 20 percent in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, and 17 percent on the Harbour Bridge.

Source: Copyright 2023 Aurecon Group Pty. Ltd. | © 2023 AECOM.

Image source: Copyright 2023 Aurecon Group Pty. Ltd.

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