$1 billion announced for Shovel Ready Projects in Australia


australia, Covid-19, infrastructure, shovel ready projects,


Shovel Ready Projects Australia

In response to economic impacts from COVID-19, the Australian Government announced a $1.5 billion package to invest in infrastructure which includes $1 billion for Shovel Ready projects that can support jobs immediately.

Across the country this initiative delivers projects that can get underway now and over the next six months, providing an immediate boost to the economy and local jobs.

This investment is part of the Australian Government’s $100 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline, which is laying the foundations of a financial bridge to recovery on the other side of COVID-19.

Shovel Ready Infrastructure Investment Program projects:

Australian Capital Territory

  • Intersection upgrade package PDF: 328 KB
  • Canberra Light Rail – new Mitchell Light Rail Stop PDF: 329 KB
  • Northbourne Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Package PDF: 329 KB

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



  • Regional Rail Revival PDF: 375 KB
  • Princes Highway East – Complete the duplication between Traralgon and Sale PDF: 414 KB

Western Australia

  • Bussell Highway Duplication Stage 1 and 2 PDF: 329 KB
  • Exmouth Roads Package – Minilya to Exmouth Road Widening PDF: 331 KB
  • Exmouth Roads Package – Yardie Creek Road Realignment PDF: 330 KB
  • Thomas Road Upgrade PDF: 2237 KB
  • Great Eastern Highway – Coates Gully Bridge Upgrade PDF: 329 KB
  • Toodyay Road – Jingaling Brook to Toodyay PDF: 329 KB

Source: © Copyright, Commonwealth of Australia

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