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Are you a Civil Engineer, a Construction Professional or a Surveyor who is considering moving Down Under? Read the top 10 reasons Australia might not be for you.
According to OECD, Australia is one of the best countries on the planet to live in. However, Australia is NOT for everyone. Below we have compiled a list of most common reasons Engineers should think twice before relocating Down Under.
1. People
If you are an introvert who hates talking to other people and avoids human contact at all costs, stay away from the Aussies. They are not only annoyingly friendly, chatty and helpful, they also remember your name (yes, the post office lady and the butcher!). To make matters worse, they joke and laugh a lot.
2. Weather
If you prefer low temperatures, snow, rain, fog, wind and blizzards, Australia is definitely not for you! Sydney gets 236 days of sunshine annually, Brisbane – 261 and Melbourne – 185. The average temperature in Australia in winter is 15ºC. No chance of seeing snow unless you head to Thredbo with a bunch of overexcited kids who have never seen the fluffy thing before.
3. Beaches
One of the top reasons not to move to Australia are the beaches. If you hate golden sand, blue waters, the sound of splashing waves and an opportunity to catch some amazing fish, this country is not for you. Australia has 10,685 beaches, some of them rated as top-beaches in the World! And then there are all these annoying people on the beach – snorkelling, splashing in the waves, relaxing, reading books, walking their dogs. The list goes on…
4. Food
If you like eating unripe fruit that has travelled from another country after being heavily sprayed with pesticides and chemicals, you will be disappointed with Australian produce. You will no doubt feel overwhelmed by a wide selection of colourful, ripe and juicy fruit grown locally by Aussie farmers. You will quickly get sick of having “smashed avo” (avocado in Australian English) on ciabatta followed by an Aussie favourite – a flat white (coffee).
5. Cultural diversity
Another reaons not to emigrate to Australia is cultural diversity. If you are not a fan of people from various cultural and religious backgrounds living peacefully in one country, we have got bad news for you! Australia is the most ethnically diverse country in the World with 30% of Australians born overseas and 49% having at least one parent born overseas.
6. Strong economy
If you prefer living and working in a poor country with a low minimum wage (or lack of it), high unemployment and low living standards, forget Australia. The national minimum wage is currently AUD $20.33 per hour, unemployment is 5.2% and according to OECD, Australia ranks at the top in income and wealth, environmental quality, health status, housing, jobs and earnings, education and skills, subjective well-being, and social connections.
7. Laid-back lifestyle, attitude and language
If you like the pressure of deadlines, wearing a suit and a tie every day, great manners and the way they speak English on BBC, you might re-consider moving Down Under. For Australians everyone is a ‘mate’, wearing ‘thongs’ and ‘singlets’ is the norm, and all problems are met with ‘no worries.’ Even meeting royalty doesn’t stress Aussies too much. In fact, in 1970s an Australian cricketer Dennis Lillee greeted Queen Elizabeth with a ‘G’day, how ya goin’?’ This should sum it up for you!
8. Camping
If you are not an outdoorsy person, you might want to choose another country as your next destination. Australians love camping! They invest heavily in camping equipment, 4WDs, camper vans and fishing gear. Camping is in their blood: they will use every opportunity to pack up and escape for a weekend into the bush or to a nice beach.
9. Sport
If you are not the sporty type and you prefer reading books or going to the cinema, you might feel a bit out of place in the land of Oz. Why, you ask? Australia is a nation of rugby and cricket lovers. Many weekends revolve around playing or watching a game of footy, always accompanied with loud cheers and beer. Children get involved in competitive sports from a very young age, too. With great weather and so much space, it’s no wonder Australians engage in sport so much.
10. Safety
The last, and maybe most important reason not to relocate to Australia, is safety. If you like a bit of an adrenaline rush due to being in dangerous surroundings, you might find Australia disappointing. The country is ranked 10th out of 162 on the safest and most dangerous countries ranking. Crimes rates and terrorism risk are low. Although there is no shortage of dangerous animals (spiders, snakes, jellyfish, crocodiles, sharks), recent data shows that the most dangerous animal in Australia is…a horse.
If we haven’t managed to put you off from moving to Australia and you are seriously considering moving Down Under to work as a civil engineer or a surveyor, please get in touch.
If you are a Civil Engineer, a Construction Professional or a Surveyor who would like to be part of the infrastructure boom in Australia or New Zealand, register your CV here or search our jobs.
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